Definition of Make a monkey out of

1. Verb. (idiomatic transitive) To cause a person, group, or action to appear foolish or inferior; to subject someone or something to ridicule. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Make A Monkey Out Of

make a clean breast
make a decision
make a difference
make a face
make a fool of
make a go of it
make a hash of
make a killing
make a leg
make a living
make a meal of
make a meal out of
make a mistake
make a mockery of
make a monkey of
make a monkey out of
make a motion
make a mountain out of a molehill
make a muscle
make a name for oneself
make a pig's ear of
make a point
make a scene
make a silk purse of a sow's ear
make a spectacle of oneself
make a splash
make a stick for one's own back
make a stink
make a virtue of necessity
make after

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